Uncertainty: Interview with Maria Anselmi

Embracing Uncertainty

Maria Anselmi is Chief Data Officer at Bisnode, a data and analytics solutions provider focused in risk credit and marketing. For Bisnode, uncertainty is core to its business, since the company develops analytics and data-driven mechanics for decision making. Even in times of “certainty”, the company strives to find areas of uncertainty. So, the company has set up a culture to embrace uncertainty.

However, uncertainty and instability is experienced and felt differently in the context of business compared to as a private person. Still, there are ways and methods to incorporate the tactics of handling uncertainty – or in the words of Maria “probabilities” – into our everyday life. For us individuals, the first step is to become aware of our fears that keeps up back from change. The second step is to alleviate these fears. What also helps is for example, to always stay curious. This is the idea of trying to discover something more and something different. Also, develop the habit of challenging and improving known ways. Lastly, know that the only constant is change. This opens up infinite possibilities for us to choose from moment to moment.

Drop us a line at june(dot)vonbonin(at)visualcontext.net, if you would like to be interviewed or have questions.



Be enlighten by Maria's interview by clicking here: https://visualcontext.net/digital-shift/uncertainty-interview-with-maria-anselmi/


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