
ETH Tech Trends Workshop

ETH Tech Trends Workshop The ETH University Communication was looking for new impulses on what would be possible with current and new technology. The brief for the tech trends workshop of Mike Hubmann and Simon Zogg was to give the communication department new ideas and take it out of its day-to-day business and incremental development cycles. The workshop was designed to create an inspiring environment that would enable participants to break out of their daily routines. Together we explored the questions of how ETH should deal with the very fragmented media landscape, whether and how the logic of the API economy can be applied to ETH’s distributed publishing landscapes, and how AI can be used to personalise information. We discussed whether APIs can be used to generate newsfeeds, publications and platforms, or whether Web3 can provide platforms for reproducible science. In the group work, it quickly became clear which areas could be addressed so that results could be achieved ...

Value of Web3

Value of Web3 1 February 2023 There are many projects Web3 just because it’s the newest fad. Many of these projects could be realised with tried and tested, standard technology, such as a regular database. Many also don’t create significant value, which is one of the reasons why we’re seeing the crypto winter. In this crypto winter, the wheat is separated from the chaff. In our next Digital-Shift event, we’re going to discuss what the truly native capabilities of Web 3.0 are. We’ll be seeing if these native capabilities create value and if it will shift the value chains in future. Marc Van Nuffel, Duda , will give us a short intro and moderate. Our first speaker is Matthias Weissl, Verum Capital and he’s going to speak about what is truly native to blockchain technology. He’ll explain how the native Blockchain funtionality generate value and illustrate his point with use cases. Our second speaker is Beat Walther, Vendbridgde . He’s going to take apart if and how Web 3.0 create...

Ready for AI

Ready for AI? 22. September 2022 Machine Learning ist die Grundlage für rasante technologische Evolution. Man sagt, dass dieser Evolutionsschritt vergleichbar sein wird mit dem Aufkommen des Internets. Wenn man weiss, wie AI einzusetzen ist, können neue Bereiche erschlossen werden, mit einer nie dagewesenen Effizienz. Die Frage stellt sich, sind Firmen überhaupt bereit für die Evolution? Machine Learning wird zunehmend in Geschäftsprozessen eingesetzt. Die Libraries von Google, Microsoft, etc. werden breiter eingesetzt, weil Machine Learning zur Wertschöpfung beiträgt. Allerdings werden die Resultate kaum hinterfragt. Sind die Entscheidungen besser als menschliche Entscheidungen? Müssen die Resultate verifiziert werden und wenn ja, wie? Wer ist da haftbar? Was sind die Auswirkungen von solch unreflektiertem Umgang mit Machine Learning? Speaker: Franziska-J. Klebôn , Head of Data & AI, Microsoft Afke Schouten , Founder, AI Bridge Walter Diggelmann , Founder, AI-One Mode...

Contextual AR interface

This design study researches how you could interact with contextual AR. This study leverages image recognition in AR glasses. With the help of image recognition triggers, the right application opens in the right context. In order to open the right application in context, objects, gestures, or locations can to be linked. For instance, you’d link the wardrobe to the weather app. A wrist movement displays the clock app (great for people who don’t like to wear watches). At bus, tram, or train stops, public transport times are shown. A book automatically discloses its book reviews.

Purpose in BusinessAlessandra Rojas

Purpose in Business Digital-Shift Interview with Alessandra Rojas Sustainable Entrepreneurship Manager EPFL Here you find an extract of your interview with Alessandra Rojas on purpose in business. We’ve seen attitudes and mindsets change regarding what a business is for. An often heard narrative is that a business is just for maximising shareholder value. Now companies are emerging with a business model built around a purpose. Event: Purpose in Business On 24 March 2022 we will host an event Zurich in collaboration with Dept. We will discuss with Melissa Buch (Founder of Brandbuch) and Gerhard Andrey (Co-Founder of Liip, and member of the Swiss Parliament) why purpose in business matters. If you want to know when more about the event click here. Event Info Links EPFL Overview Events Interviews

Purpose in BusinessMoritz Möller

Purpose in Business Digital-Shift Interview with Moritz Möller Leiter Marketing, Veganz Here you find an extract of your interview with Moritz Möller on purpose in business. We’ve seen attitudes and mindsets change regarding what a business is for. An often heard narrative is that a business is just for maximising shareholder value. Now companies are emerging with a business model built around a purpose. Event: Purpose in Business On 24 March 2022 we will host an event Zurich in collaboration with Dept. We will discuss with Melissa Buch (Founder of Brandbuch) and Gerhard Andrey (Co-Founder of Liip, and member of the Swiss Parliament) why purpose in business matters. If you want to know when more about the event click here. Event Info Links Veganz Overview Events Interviews

Purpose in BusinessNaomi MacKenzie

Purpose in Business Digital-Shift Interview with Naomi MacKenzie Co-founder of Kitro Here you find an extract of your interview with Naomi MacKenzie on purpose in business. We’ve seen attitudes and mindsets change regarding what a business is for. An often heard narrative is that a business is just for maximising shareholder value. Now companies are emerging with a business model built around a purpose. Event: Purpose in Business On 24 March 2022 we will host an event Zurich in collaboration with Dept. We will discuss with Melissa Buch (Founder of Brandbuch) and Gerhard Andrey (Co-Founder of Liip, and member of the Swiss Parliament) why purpose in business matters. If you want to know when more about the event click here. Event Info Links Kitro Overview Events Interviews